
5 Ways to Keep Your Pets Far Away from Depression


What is depression?
Depression is a significant and lasting depressed mood with the main manifestation of emotional disorder. Emotional depression range from the depressed to distress, inferiority complex or even suicidal tendencies.

Why pets get depressed?
1. Medical pain. Pet illness is inevitable and the pain in the medical process may cause pets depression. It’s our duty to protect the health of pets, remember to observe your pet’s mood changes.
2. Environmental changes. Pets will be a little out of place if you move to a new house or they’re  fostered in your friend’s house.
3. Separation anxiety. Separation anxieties are usually exhibited by pets which have become too attached to pet parents. They will feel lonely if can’t see their owners for a long time.
4. Weather changes. People’s mood can be easily affected by the weather, and so does your pet.
5. Senility. Pets will feel depressed at the end of their life.

Signs of depression
1. Inaction. Pets who depressed are not willing to active no matter how you’re teasing.
2. Lethargy. Pets sleep a lot from morning till night. They will feel be offended if you wake them up.
3. Autism. They don’t want to contact with pet parents or other pets.
4. Appetite changes. If your pets suddenly lose interests in food or water, they may be in a depressed mood. Moreover, overeating may also be a symptom of pet depression.
5. Irascibility. Violent action is one of the typical manifestations of pet depression.

How to treat pets depression?
1. Interaction. Talk and play with your pets. Pay more attention to them and this will help them cheer up. Cat teaser is a perfect interactive tool to play with your cat, tugs are perfect for dogs.
2. Award. Give your pets some interesting pet toys or delicious food as rewards when your pet is happy. They will feel your love and get used to being in a happy mood.
3. More exercise. Endorphins released during exercise can help humans improve their mood, so does your pet. So, take your pet out for a walk or play, can treat depression.
4. Partner. Encourage but not to force them to play with other pets, they may enjoy it.
5. Take your pet to the vet. You’d better take your pet to the vet if you have done all these things but with no effects. It’s very important to follow your vet’s advice rather than give medication to your pets blindly.

Actually, prevention is more important than treatment. Pets are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. Be more involved in pet’s life, treat them as family, don’t scold them, keep them happy.

